Physical pharmacy 2014

Physical Pharmacy UKM 2014 ( Group B5)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Experiment 3 - Adsorption from Solution

25 March 2014

To determine the surface area of activated charcoal via adsorption from solution.

Adsorption occurs when particles which are ion, atom or molecules on the surface of solids are capable of attracting other molecules due to the instability of energies around the particles. The energy here refers to electrostatic, valency or Van de Waals. Meanwhile, absorption is the process in which a fluid is dissolved by a liquid or a solid. In general, adsorption is a surface-based process where a film of adsorbate is created on the surface while absorption involves the entire volume of the absorbing substance.
                The nature of forces between adsorbent (solid surface) and adsorbate (gas or dissolved solutes) influence the strength of bonds. Adsorption consists of two types which are chemisorption and physical adsorption. Chemisorption involves only chemical bonds between adsorbent and adsorbate which acquire activation energy that can be strong and not readily reversible. Physical adsorption occurs when adsorbent and adsorbatereact due to Van de Waals force which is non-specific and occur at any condition.
In this experiment, we use activated charcoal sample as adsorbent and iodine as adsorbate. Adsorption of iodine will determine the surface area of activated charcoal. This method can be applied in determination of the surface area of powder drug in pharmaceutical industries. The surface area is very important in field of pharmacy where it is one of factor that affects the rate of dissolution and bioavailability of drugs that are absorbed in gastrointestinal tract.

Materials and apparatus :
12 conical flasks, 6 centrifuge tubes, measuring cylinders, analytical balance, Beckman J6M/E centrifuge, burettes, retort stand and clamps, paster pipettes, iodine solutions, 1%w/v starch solution, 0.1M sodium thiosulphate solution, distilled water and activated charcoal.

1.       12 conical flasks are filled with 50ml mixtures of iodine solutions (A and B) as stated in Table 1 by using burettes or measuring cylinders.

Solution A: Iodine (0.05M)
Solution B: Potassium iodide (0.1M)

Volume of solution A (ml)
Volume of solution B (ml)
1 and 7
2 and 8
3 and 9
4 and 10
5 and 11
6 and 12
Table 1

Set 1: Actual concentration of iodine in solution A (X)

For flask 1-6
1.       1-2 drops of starch solution are added as an indicator.
2.       The solution is then titrated by using 0.1M sodium thiosulphate solution until the colour of the solution change from dark to colorless.
3.       The volume of the sodium thiosulphate used is recorded

Set 2: Concentration of iodine in solution A at equilibrium 
 For flask 7-12
1.       0.1 g of activated charcoal is added into the flasks.
2.       The flasks are capped tightly. Then, every 10 minutes the flask is swirled or shacked for 2 hours.
3.       After 2 hours, the solutions are transferred into centrifuge tubes and labeled.
4.       The solution is centrifuge at 3000 rpm for 5 minutes and the resulting supernatant is transferred into new conical flask. The conical flask is labeled accordingly.
5.       Steps 1.2 and 3 are repeated as carried out for flasks 1-6 in Set1.



1. Calculate N for iodine in each flask.

2. Plot amount of iodine adsorbed (N) versus balance concentration of solution (C) at equilibrium to obtain adsorption isotherm.

Graph of Amount of Iodine Adsorbed (N) versus Balance Concentration of Solution at Equilibrium (C)

3. According to Langmuir theory, if there is no more than a monolayer of iodine adsorbed on the charchoal,

C/N = C/Nm + I/KNm

C = concentration of solution at equilibrium
Nm = number of mole per gram charcoal required
K = constant to complete a monolayer

Plot C/N versus C, if Langmuir equation is followed, a straight line with slope of 1/Nm and intercept of 1/KNm is obtained.

Obtain the value of Nm, and then calculate the number of iodine molecule adsorbed on the monomolecular layer. Assume that the area covered by one adsorbed molecule is 3.2 x 10-19m2.
Avogadro number = 6.023 x 1023 molecule, calculate the surface area of charcoal in m2g-1.


C/N (M/molg-1)
C (M)

Slope = 1/Nm =
                          = 2.419

Y - intercept = 0.191

Therefore, to obtain the value of Nm:
1/Nm = 2.419
    Nm = 1 ÷ 2.419
            = 0.4134 molg-1

To calculate the iodine molecule adsorbed on the monomolecular layer:

We know that Nm = 0.4134 molg-1

That’s mean in 0.1434 mol of iodine, 1g of charcoal is adsorbed. Therefore, the number of mol of iodine molecules that adsorbed on the monomolecular layer is:

Avogadro number = 6.023 x 1023

Numbers of molecules = number of moles x Avogadro number
                                         = 0.1434 mol x 6.023 x 1023
                                                             = 8.64 x 1022 molecules/g

Area covered by one adsorbed molecules is 3.2 x 10-19 m2

Therefore, the surface area of charcoal:

Surface area of charcoal = (8.64 x 1022 molecules/g) x (3.2 x 10-19 m2)
                                            =27648 m2g-1

4. Discuss the result of the experiment. How do you determine experimentally that equilibrium has been reached after shaking for 2 hours?

By observing the colour changes in the flask. The iodine will undergo colour change from dark brown to light brown at certain period of time after the flask is shook for every 10 minutes for 2 hours. The light brown colour of the iodine will not change until the end of the reaction and this marks the equilibrium point of the reaction.

Repeat the experiment and titrate with sodium thiosulphate. If the volume stays constant then equilibrium is reached.


Determination of the surface area of powder drug, which is related to its particles size, is important in pharmacy area. As stated earlier in the introduction, surface area is one of the factors that govern the rate of dissolution and bioavailability of the drugs that are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract.
This experiment, adsorption of iodine from solution used to determine the measurement of surface area of the solid. Langmuir equation is used to estimate the surface area of activated charcoal sample.  

Cf/N = (1/Nm) Cf + (1/kNm)

Where (1/Nm) is the slope, and (1/kNm) is the intercept, when Cf/N is plotted versus the concentration Cf. The inverse of the slope is Nm,and this represents the moles adsorbed at monolayer coverage. Nm can be used to determine the specific surface area of a solid. The basic limitation of Langmuir adsorption equation is that it is valid at low pressure only.

In the set 1 experiment,to calculate the actual concentration of iodine in solution A (X), titration method was used to calculate the concentration of iodine. This is because the iodide ion and iodine molecule are in equilibrium in the conical flask. Starch is used as an indicator in the titration. The solution turn dark blue colour when starch is added as iodine molecules are present. Then, when sodium thiosulfate is added, the iodine molecule react with sodium thiosulfate to form sodium iodide. When there is totally no iodine molecule in the solution, the dark colour change to colourless. The equation below used to calculate the moles of iodine.

I2 + 2Na2S2O3 → Na2S4O6 + 2 NaI
In the set 2 experiment, 0.1 g of activated charcoal was added into flask 7-12 and capped tightly. The activated charcoal added is act as adsorbent to adsorp the iodine molecule. Adsorption of iodine molecule on the activated charcoal is a result from Van der Waal’s forces which exists between molecules.

According to Langmuir theory, there is no more than a monolayer of iodine adsorbed on the charcoal. The surface of charcoal can be calculated by plotting a graph of C/N versus C with a straight line slope of 1/Nm.


The Nm value is 0.4134 g mol-1. The number of iodine adsorbed onto the monomolecular layer 8.64 x 1022 molecules. The surface area of charcoal is 27648 m2/g.


Patrick J. Sinko, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5th Edition.

Alexander T Florence and David Attwood. (2006). Physiocochemical Principles of Pharmacy. 4th Ed. Palgrave. USA.

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